Retirement Reality Podcast
Weekly financial and retirement planning guidance with Mike Kojonen of Principal Preservation Services. Mike serves western Wisconsin and the Twin Cities areas of Minnesota. He's the co-author of Momma's Secret Recipe for Retirement Success and will impart financial wisdom each week on this podcast.
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Ep 13: These Mistakes Could Sabotage Your Retirement
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
With all of the things in the financial world that you can’t control, why would you sabotage your own retirement by messing up the thing you can control? It’s time to discuss the ways in which people damage their retirement and hurt their long-term financial health.
Show Notes and Additional Resources:
On This Episode:
1:32 – Mike gives us an update on his daughter’s wedding.
2:31 – In the News: Social Security Administration announced a 1.6% cost of living adjustment on their monthly benefits in 2020. Is this a big deal?
4:18 – Our main topic today is sabotaging your own retirement.
4:35 – Obsessing about the short term ups and downs of the market.
6:04 – Choosing to start Social Security at the wrong time.
7:29 – Mike shares a client story about Social Security benefits timing.
8:21 – Not planning for nursing home care.
9:57 – Underestimating how much money you’ll need in retirement to fund the lifestyle you want to have.
12:01 – Not funding your retirement accounts enough.
12:45 – Pulling money out of your retirement accounts early to help your children or grandchildren.
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Ep 12: Are You Having These Tough Financial Conversations
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
There are things we'd all like to avoid talking about with our advisor because it makes us feel uncomfortable or awkward, but some topics have to be addressed if you want to build a strong retirement portfolio. We’ll take a look at how advisors should help clients navigate various tricky situations.
Full Show Notes:
On This Episode:
1:19 – Mike shares a Black Friday story from a time he waited in line.
3:38 – We’re talking about awkward conversations on today’s show.
4:15 – Mailbag question: It’s seems counterintuitive to move out of a house I’ve already paid off, but I’m thinking about selling my home and moving into a rental to avoid taxes and repairs. Is that a good or bad idea?
7:20 – Starting to discuss conversations you should be having with your advisor and we begin with the death of a spouse.
9:19 – Another conversation is nursing home care and how will we afford it.
11:28 – The next topic you need to be discussing is whether you need to work longer than you expected.
13:55 – You need to sit down with your children and discuss your estate plan.
16:09 – The last conversation you need to have is with your advisor if that person doesn’t fit with your plans.
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Ep 11: 4 Tips to Help You Retire Without Regret
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
No one wants to reach retirement and wonder what might have happened if they made a few small changes. Simple mistakes can lead to larger financial regrets later in life. On today’s show, we’ll explore some of the things you can do to avoid living with regret in retirement.
Show Notes:
Today's Rundown:
1:17 – What does the holiday season look like for the Kojonen family?
2:29 – Previewing our main topic for this episode.
2:58 – Retire without regret: Don’t make any sudden decisions.
4:17 – Retire without regret: Do your research.
6:51 – How does Mike help a client make the right choice?
7:47 – Retire without regret: Work with a professional you can trust.
9:27 – An advisor can help you sort through all of your investments and help you develop a plan.
11:08 – Retire without regret: Have an actual plan for retirement.
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Ep 10: Retirement Constants That Affect Everyone
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
While there are some factors that are different for everyone in retirement planning, there are also constants that affect everyone, no matter the specifics of your situation. How do we plan around these constants? We’ll explore that question on this episode
Show Notes:
Today's Rundown:
1:06 – Mike’s daughter is getting married in a couple days.
2:29 – Previewing today’s show.
2:48 – Mailbag question: Most of my 401k is invested in company stock. Is that a bad thing?
4:28 – Mailbag question: How long should I be meeting with my advisor? I get a birthday card every year but that’s about it.
5:48 – Let’s move to our main topic on retirement constants.
6:18 – Retirement constant: Inflation
7:24 – Mike shares the story of the first car he bought.
9:36 – Retirement constant: Rising taxes
11:22 – Retirement constant: Market volatility
13:42 – Retirement constant: Healthcare costs
15:59 – Retirement constant: Fees and commissions
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Ep 9: Retirement Variables That Need to Factor Into Your Plan
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Retirement planning is most effective when it’s tailored to a specific individual’s needs but what factors should you pay the most attention to? We’ll discuss five retirement variables that will change from person to person but need to be considered when building a financial plan.
Show Notes:
Today's Rundown:
1:00 – Mike and his team have moved into a new office in Wisconsin office.
1:58 – Previewing our main topic today.
2:40 – Getting to Know Mike: What is your favorite movie genre?
4:28 – Retirement variable 1: How much income will we need in retirement?
7:55 – Retirement variable 2: Taxes
10:32 – Retirement variable 3: Our life expectancy
12:09 – Retirement variable 4: At what age should I take Social Security.
15:32 – Retirement variable 5: Risk
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Ep 8: Why the Final Decade of Work is So Important for Retirement
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
No one wants to play the guessing game when it comes to retirement and waiting until the last minute to iron out your plan will leave you unsure about your readiness. That’s why that final decade of work is very important from a retirement planning perspective. Get this list of items in order and you’ll be in great shape when that retirement day arrives.
On this episode:
1:36 – Mailbag question: I’ve heard people say the only type of life insurance you should by is term insurance. Is that true?
2:55 – Mike is a fan of some of the index universal life policies.
4:39 – Mailbag question: I’ve owned my own business and haven’t paid a lot into Social Security even though I’ve had a nice income. Is this going to be problematic for me in retirement?
6:37 – Moving into the main topic on why the last decade of work is so important for retirement planning.
7:41 – First thing to do is decide what’s most important to you.
8:27 – The next thing is getting a handle on your numbers.
10:04 – Next you should estimate your income streams and get an idea of how much to expect in retirement.
11:41 – As you’re planning for retirement, keep in mind the cost of healthcare.
12:58 – The final thing to keep in mind is things will change during retirement.
Show notes and additional resources:
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Ep #7: What Will the Next Market Crash Look Like?
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
We’ve been enjoying a long bull run over the past decade and that’s made many people fearful that a major downturn is right around the corner. So what might that look like and when could it happen? We discuss the next market crash and how to prepare yourself for it.
Today's rundown:
1:20 – Mike’s team is moving into a new office.
2:37 – Mailbag question: Should I work with a younger advisor with less experience or someone my age that will retire the same time I do?
5:17 – It’s valid to ask an advisor what their plan is when they retire. Who will take care of you?
6:00 – Mailbag question: I’m retiring in six months and worried about a market crash before I get to the finish line. Will I be ok?
7:41 – So what will the next market crash look like? Let’s discuss.
8:07 – When is the next market crash coming?
9:34 – When it does happen, should we plan for it to be as severe as 2008?
10:52 – If someone is worried, is it best to pull your money out of the market and just wait?
12:19 – What our team does to protect our clients from a downturn.
15:30 – An advisor can help you understand investment options you might not even be aware of.
Show notes and additional resources:
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Ep #6: What Flying Can Teach Us About Retirement Planning
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
When was the last time you took a flight? Did you think at all about how that process related to investing? Probably not, but there are actually some pretty great parallels between retirement planning and flying that we will talk about on this episode. Buckle up and prepare for takeoff.
On this episode:
2:36 – Introducing our topic on today’s show.
3:32 – In the news: 37% of households are ‘free and clear.’ Is that number high or low?
4:49 – 75% of our clients are free and clear and the others are pretty close.
5:44 – Beginning our main topic of what flying teaches us about retirement
6:09 – The first lesson: You need a flight plan.
7:42 – You need someone with experience to build the correct flight plan.
8:51 – The third lesson: Turbulence effects different people in different ways.
10:15 – Your plan, like an airplane, is built to withstand the ups and downs.
11:00 - The final lesson: You need help along the way to get from point a to point b.
11:50 - Past success can really hurt you. Here’s why.
Get the full show notes and additional resources by clicking here:
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Ep #5: Even Responsible Savers Make These Mistakes
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
You can’t criticize people that take a proactive approach to their future by putting away savings as they earn, but you can offer up ways to improve the way that they save. Believe it or not, even responsible savers make mistakes because the transition into retirement can be a major lifestyle change. Let’s talk about some of those missteps that happen along the way.
Today's rundown:
2:01 – What we’ll talk about on today’s show.
2:43 – Wedding loans are a new trend where young couples take out money to pay for their ceremony. Mike shares his thoughts on this.
6:01 – Moving into the main topic – even responsible savers make mistakes.
6:22 – Mistake: Getting too enamored with cash.
8:00 – Mistake: Taking too much risk to accumulate savings.
10:11 – How often you should be evaluating your portfolio with an advisor.
10:45 – Mistake: Not preparing for that tax time bomb.
14:21 – Mistake: You aren’t enjoying the savings you’ve accumulated.
Get the show notes and additional resources by visiting our website here:
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Ep #4: Is Playing the Blame Game Holding You Back Financially?
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Have you ever had any type of financial trouble and immediately look to place the blame on external factors? Many times there are situations that make retirement planning difficult, but making excuses rather than looking for solutions will slow down your growth and limit your potential. We’ll share some of the common ‘blame game’ examples we hear and provide you with guidance to get past them.
On this show:
0:54 – Introducing the topic for today’s show.
1:15 – Getting to Know Mike: What hobby would you pick up if time and money weren’t an issue?
3:30 – Blame game excuse 1 : My divorce has really messed me up financially.
5:04 – How difficult is to get back on track financially after a divorce?
5:48 – Blame game excuse 2: My old broker did me wrong?
7:12 – Blame game excuse 3: The system is rigged in that Wall Street always wins but not the little guy.
9:37 – Blame game excuse 4: My kids have had trouble finding good jobs since leaving school so I’ve been helping them out for years.
11:17 – Is Mike seeing clients that are dealing with kids living with them longer and relying them for long periods of time.
13:34 – Another common issue Mike sees from clients.
Get the full show notes and additional resources by clicking here: